Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The turnout was a record high and the vote to repair and rebuild both Parks was nearly unanimous with just two NO votes! The Committee has already met with TIB Bank to notify them of the voting results and we anticipate work to begin as early as next week! We are trying to make the West Park Dock a PRIORITY since that is our only functioning ramp at the moment and we realize boats are getting abused there.
The Board would like to thank everyone who turned out for this important meeting and for your positive support. We'd like to thank the Volunteers and especially Dale Gibson (Gibby) for his hard work putting all this together. Check the Blog for progress and sign up to receive notification on new postings, somewhere on this page!

MEMORIAL WEEKEND BASH ..... details to follow !


Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Fellow Keys Persons Have A Wonderful Day in Paradise